Organizing Solutions: Reclaiming Your Time

We can often go through our days without a lot of thought on how we are using the precious resource of our time. Do you ever get to the end of the day, and say to yourself: “Why isn’t there more time?” 

Here are a few ideas to reclaim some of your time, so that you can spend it on the things that matter in your life.

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·      Identify which areas in your life are promoting harmful stress.

·      Consider giving up the activities and/or relationships that drain you.

·      Set healthy and supportive limits. Be realistic about how much you can do.

·      Practice saying, “Give me some time to consider it” before taking on more obligations.

·      You can reclaim time by making the choice to limit mediocre TV and social media.

·      Take time for self-care. Get plenty of sleep. Be playful. Laugh!

·      Use a calendar to schedule time for your priorities and self-care.

·      Use your precious time to take action instead of worrying, procrastinating or over-planning.

·      Ask for support, especially when you are overwhelmed.




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